Marbella Marbella Marbella

We came we saw and we conquered, well as far as getting off the plane unharmed we did! This was a holiday to put all others to shame and it did! We saw the beautiful beaches of Marbs and we saw the nightlife of Marbs but most of all we saw the inside of a bar in Marbs, sadly we did what any group of self harming blokes would do and drink ourselves in to oblivion, which leads me on to my first point, we (men) are all the same, as much as some may argue they are not, they’re lying we love drinking way beyond what is socially acceptable and punishing each other for not complying with group rules

2 fingers 3 fingers ect

I think we all fell foul of some rule or another at some point what I do know is that we (men) can get together in a group after been thrown together from across all social circles and become a close knit group in no time, we ranged from 33 to 20 and came together like old friends and this is a testament to us as people.
That’s faith in man, man! So what is this post all about I hear you ask? It’s about the ability of people to forge friendships through boundaries that would otherwise be overlooked!
Over and out!

All you have to do is turn up and youve won


Id like to thank my parents for blessing me with my brain without which I couldn’t have created this crazy ball of yarn that is my mind and imagination. To put myself in to a box I would have to be in the one that’s been in the garage on the rafters for the last 20years after I had come to the end of my useful life. I think too much and too little at the same time I concern myself with things that people think are trivial and I dismiss things that people think are relevent, for example I have not cried at a single funeral I have ever been to be it friends or family yet I get upset when I cant remember what I did on a saturday night! Now call me mad but I genuinely think I am a bit bonkers not to a level that I should be carted off to a padded cell just a nice bonkers! Basicly I am a big kid trying not to grow up!

a big kid who lives life loud and laughing

So when my daughter was born I thought it spelled the end of my madness but it has done the opposite as now I can talk like a lunatic (or my 3 year old) out loud in public and have no shame! my next worry is when she starts to grow up, will she think im a madman or just her silly dad?

In a way I hope I grow up with her and grow in to the man I was supposed to at 18! but also i hope i stay young at heart and die a happy old man with a big family and lots of friends. That’s the mystery of life though isn’t it? who knows? all I know is its 100% until feel different! And thats not even on the horizon and if I can’t see it it cant hurt me!

Away Days

As I sit here at my desk I check my emails as I usually do and there at the top of the pile is Oli Davies name. It’s not a name that I see very often and it carries a hidden meaning, Oliver is ‘The Best Man’ to my good friend Richard, Oliver is the man entrusted with the responsibility of making sure 8 guys get suitably oiled over a long weekend in Puerto Banus, Oliver is also the man who will ruthlessly enforce the punishments for breaking the rules he sets, Oliver is The Sheriff.
As i look at his email I notice the attachment, the commandments. This document is the reason I was fearing Oliver’s email, it states the intentions of our weekend away. I notice a few things straight away ‘organised mayhem’ and ‘2. Get travel insurance’ these are scary words for a guy like me, I’m not a wall flower but I do like to drink at my own pace and I hate liquor as it turns me in to a bumbling wreck! So with that I have carried on and read the commandment front to back and all in all it’s a well thought out plan to ruin us all, one of my personal favourite parts is the drinking from 6:30 in the morning! Never a good plan!
So now I am left with whatever my over active imagination can conjure up for me to stew over, and worries over wether I will be able to remember to drink with my left hand all of the time and to avoid having a ‘fat head’ put in my drink resulting in the consumption of said drink, if I can avoid these curve balls and navigate my way through this weekend un harmed I’ll be amazed.
Anyway for the next away day, I look forward to having your cold fingers holding my hair while I puke on your shoes!!
